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中华乳腺病杂志(电子版) ›› 2012, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (02) : 147 -152. doi: 10.3877/cma. j. issn.1674-0807.2012.02.004


超声BI-RADS 3 级乳腺不可扪及病变的微创活组织检查
吴玲1, 王颀1,(), 连臻强1, 张安秦1, 李文萍1, 马小燕2, 郜红艺3   
  1. 1.510010 广州,广州医学院附属广东省妇儿医院乳腺病中心
    2.510010 广州,广州医学院附属广东省妇儿医院超声科
    3.510010 广州,广州医学院附属广东省妇儿医院病理科
  • 收稿日期:2012-01-18 出版日期:2012-04-01
  • 通信作者: 王颀
  • 基金资助:

Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy for BI-RADS grade 3 nonpalpable breast lesions

Ling WU1, Qi WANG1,(), Zhen-qiang LIAN1, An-qin ZHANG1, Wen-ping LI1, Xiaoyan MA1, Hong-yi GAO1   

  1. 1.Breast Disease Center, Guangdong Women and Children Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou 510010, China
  • Received:2012-01-18 Published:2012-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Qi WANG

吴玲, 王颀, 连臻强, 张安秦, 李文萍, 马小燕, 郜红艺. 超声BI-RADS 3 级乳腺不可扪及病变的微创活组织检查[J/OL]. 中华乳腺病杂志(电子版), 2012, 06(02): 147-152.

Ling WU, Qi WANG, Zhen-qiang LIAN, An-qin ZHANG, Wen-ping LI, Xiaoyan MA, Hong-yi GAO. Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy for BI-RADS grade 3 nonpalpable breast lesions[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Breast Disease(Electronic Edition), 2012, 06(02): 147-152.


探讨超声检查BI-RADS 3 级的乳腺不可扪及病变(nonpalpable breast lesion, NPBL)微创活组织检查(活检)的临床价值。


回顾性分析2007 年1月至2010 年12 月在本院接受微创活检、超声BI-RADS 3 级的542 例NPBL 病例的临床、影像及病理资料,采用卡方检验比较即时活检组(首次超声诊断后3 个月之内活检)与随访活检组(随访6 个月后活检)发现恶性病变的概率以及两组恶性肿瘤情况的差异。


全组542 例病例,病理确诊恶性病变5 例,总体恶性率为0.92%(5/542);50 ~59 岁患者的恶性率为9.68%(3/31),明显高于其他年龄组(20 ~29 岁组0,30 ~39 岁组0.40%,40 ~49 岁组0.57%,60 ~71 岁组0)。 即时活检组中恶性病变4例,恶性率为0.91%(4/435);随访活检组中恶性病变1 例,恶性率为0.93%(1/107),两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组发现的恶性肿瘤的病灶大小,TNM 分期相似。


超声检查BI-RADS 3 级的NPBL 恶性率低,随访活检是安全的。 但对于年龄50 岁及以上,超声评估为BI-RADS 3 级的患者需提高警惕,建议积极进行活检。


To investigate the clinical significance of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy for BI-RADS grade 3 nonpalpable breast lesion (NPBL).


The clinical, imaging and histopathologic data of 542 cases of NPBL classified as grade 3 in BI-RADS and undergoing vacuum-assisted ultrasound-guided biopsy in our hospital from January 2007 to December 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into group A (biopsy within 3 months after first ultrasonic diagnosis) and group B (biopsy after 6-month follow-up). The malignant rates and tumor stage were compared between the two groups.


In all 542 patients, 5 were proved to be malignant (0.92%). The malignant rate in the age group of 50-59 years was 9.68%(3/31), which was significantly higher than that in other age groups (20-29 years, 0; 30-39 years, 0.40%;40-49 years,0.57%;60-71 years,0). Four patients presented malignant lesion (0.91%) in group A,1 patient (0.93%) in group B, and no significant difference was showed between the two groups(P>0.05). Malignant cases in two groups showed similar tumor size and TNM stage.


NPBL of BI-RADS grade 3 has low malignant rate and biopsy in follow-up is safe for those patients. However, more attention should be paid for the patients ≥50 years with BI-RADS grade 3 NPBL and clinical biopsy is recommended.

表1 BI-RADS 3 级的NPBL 不同年龄组的病理结果
图1 2 例恶性病例术前超声图 a:50 岁患者,超声示10.6 mm (横径)×8.5 mm (纵径)低回声占位,BI-RADS 3 级,病理检查示浸润性导管癌;b:55 岁患者,超声示10.87 mm(横径)×4.82 mm(纵径)低回声占位,BI-RADS 3 级,病理结果示浸润性导管癌。
图2 1 例乳腺导管内癌病理图(HE 染色 ×100) 导管腔内可见异型增生上皮细胞,形态、大小相对一致,细胞核有明显异型,中央区见少许坏死,导管周围间质反应性增生伴淋巴细胞浸润。
表2 5 例恶性病例的临床资料
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